The Calamity Mod currently adds:
- 20+ new bosses
- A brand new event
- A lot of new enemies, ores, and items
- 5 new modes for extra challenge
- 6 new biomes and several new structures
- Buffs and nerfs to certain vanilla features in order to maintain balance
- Buffs and nerfs to certain vanilla items that were either too weak or too strong
- Cross-content support for various other mods
Download the Calamity Mod Music mod if you want Calamity Mod music to be in your game!
- 20+ new bosses
- A brand new event
- A lot of new enemies, ores, and items
- 5 new modes for extra challenge
- 6 new biomes and several new structures
- Buffs and nerfs to certain vanilla features in order to maintain balance
- Buffs and nerfs to certain vanilla items that were either too weak or too strong
- Cross-content support for various other mods
Download the Calamity Mod Music mod if you want Calamity Mod music to be in your game!
Use the "Toggle Recipe Browser" hotkey to show/hide the recipe browser. (Assign it in the keybindings menu)
Use the "Query Hovered Item" hotkey to quickly bring up the recipe browser with the hovered item. (Assign it in the keybindings menu, I suggest middle click)
Click on any Recipe to see details. Use categories and search filter to find the recipe you want.
Alt click on a recipe to pin a recipe.
Place an item in the slot to find related recipes.
You can view extended crafting options in the Craft menu. Recipes that can be satisfied with multiple crafting steps will be here.
Also try out the Item Catalogue and Bestiary.
There is an integrated Help in the Recipe Browser as well.
If you get stuck during "Rebuilding Loot Cache", let me know which mod is causing the issue by contacting me on the discord server.
Use the "Query Hovered Item" hotkey to quickly bring up the recipe browser with the hovered item. (Assign it in the keybindings menu, I suggest middle click)
Click on any Recipe to see details. Use categories and search filter to find the recipe you want.
Alt click on a recipe to pin a recipe.
Place an item in the slot to find related recipes.
You can view extended crafting options in the Craft menu. Recipes that can be satisfied with multiple crafting steps will be here.
Also try out the Item Catalogue and Bestiary.
There is an integrated Help in the Recipe Browser as well.
If you get stuck during "Rebuilding Loot Cache", let me know which mod is causing the issue by contacting me on the discord server.
Boss Checklist lets you view a boss checklist while playing so you can progress through bosses as you can handle them.
Toggle the checklist with the hotkey assigned to it in the settings. Visit 'Settings->Controls->Keybindings' to set or check the current hotkey.
If you would like a mod to be supported, please encourage the modder to add support to this mod.
Introducing the Boss Log, which enhances the traditional boss checklist experience with customization and features with configs.
Improved boss checklist
View more information about bosses
Set new records for the bosses you fight
Boss loot and collectible checklists
Boss despawn messages display in chat
Boss radar for bosses that are off-screen
Respawn timer appears while dead
Certain items like treasure bags appear on the map
Toggle the checklist with the hotkey assigned to it in the settings. Visit 'Settings->Controls->Keybindings' to set or check the current hotkey.
If you would like a mod to be supported, please encourage the modder to add support to this mod.
Introducing the Boss Log, which enhances the traditional boss checklist experience with customization and features with configs.
VeinMiner is a mod inspired by Minecraft mod called the same name.
It basically allows you to mine a whole ore vein by mining only one block of ore.
To make it work simply hold the VeinMine button (default: ~) and mine an ore.
If it doesn't work, go to the Controls in-game menu and check if the key is bound to the Veinmine hotkey.
Also make sure that other mods are not using that key.
To add more tiles as ores check if "Add tile to whitelist" and "Remove tile from whitelist" hotkeys are bound, aim at the tile you want to add/remove and press the corresponding hotkey.
This is blocked on multiplayer unless the host modifies the config file.
Should be compatible with all vanilla ores and all modded ores which:
- are added manually to the whitelist
- (in-game hidden) name ends with "Ore" or "OreTile"
- drops an item with the name ending with "Ore" or "Gem" or "Chunk".
- names are found in this list: http://textuploader.com/dhrr7
It is possible to change a config file of the mod to make the VeinMiner mine all blocks.
There are also a lot more config options to change, take a look at the homepage to find out more.
Newest update (1.3.1):
- Adding an ore to the whitelist now will also display mod's local name
For more information please visit the homepage.
It basically allows you to mine a whole ore vein by mining only one block of ore.
To make it work simply hold the VeinMine button (default: ~) and mine an ore.
If it doesn't work, go to the Controls in-game menu and check if the key is bound to the Veinmine hotkey.
Also make sure that other mods are not using that key.
To add more tiles as ores check if "Add tile to whitelist" and "Remove tile from whitelist" hotkeys are bound, aim at the tile you want to add/remove and press the corresponding hotkey.
This is blocked on multiplayer unless the host modifies the config file.
Should be compatible with all vanilla ores and all modded ores which:
- are added manually to the whitelist
- (in-game hidden) name ends with "Ore" or "OreTile"
- drops an item with the name ending with "Ore" or "Gem" or "Chunk".
- names are found in this list: http://textuploader.com/dhrr7
It is possible to change a config file of the mod to make the VeinMiner mine all blocks.
There are also a lot more config options to change, take a look at the homepage to find out more.
Newest update (1.3.1):
- Adding an ore to the whitelist now will also display mod's local name
For more information please visit the homepage.
Unlimited/Combinable Potions
Take up no buff slots so you don't hit the buff cap and lose your pets and stuff
Recall potion has a hotkey you can set to teleport home
Money Collector
Automatically places picked up coins into your Piggy Bank
Pretty much all ammo/thrown/consumable weapons/health/mana/buff potions, modded included are infinite if you are carrying enough or have them in your piggy bank
/luiafk ammo will toggle this effect on and off
Check the link below to see how it works, how many you need etc
Improved Drill Mount
Flies faster, better control, more lasers
Harvesting Chests
When placed they'll collect Herbs/Trees/Cactus placed nearby, or collect fish relevant to position (including quest fish) if the chest contains baitless rod or normal rod + bait
Combo Rod
Made from various building rods/buckets etc
Lets you paint by selecting a box to paint/remove paint
Lets you place walls by selecting a box
Lets you place tiles like how the Grand design works, as well as choosing slope style, a gap of upto 3 (for hoiks), and you can place wand woods/leaves, regrowth moss, or grasses
Lets you place wires, like grand design, but you won't run out of wires
Lets you place liquid/remove liquid, unlimited buckets and sponge
Improved Target Dummy
Summons a target dummy npc that just sits there and takes everything you can throw at it
Projectiles are summoned when hit by weapons like earth
Despawns when a boss is active to avoid using it to kill bosses with weapons like Earth
Unlimited AutoBuilding
Auto hellevator/sub or skyway/NPC prisons/skybridge/hellbridge builders/fishing pool/fishing biome/arena platforms, right click to choose material and stuff
Added Unlimited Asphalt Platforms
Added Jungle solution, and Multi Solution
Multi solution can be used as solution, or you can select 2 points in the world and convert everything inside of it to your selected biome
Travelling Merchant and Skeleton Merchant are Town NPCs
Take up no buff slots so you don't hit the buff cap and lose your pets and stuff
Recall potion has a hotkey you can set to teleport home
Money Collector
Automatically places picked up coins into your Piggy Bank
Pretty much all ammo/thrown/consumable weapons/health/mana/buff potions, modded included are infinite if you are carrying enough or have them in your piggy bank
/luiafk ammo will toggle this effect on and off
Check the link below to see how it works, how many you need etc
Improved Drill Mount
Flies faster, better control, more lasers
Harvesting Chests
When placed they'll collect Herbs/Trees/Cactus placed nearby, or collect fish relevant to position (including quest fish) if the chest contains baitless rod or normal rod + bait
Combo Rod
Made from various building rods/buckets etc
Lets you paint by selecting a box to paint/remove paint
Lets you place walls by selecting a box
Lets you place tiles like how the Grand design works, as well as choosing slope style, a gap of upto 3 (for hoiks), and you can place wand woods/leaves, regrowth moss, or grasses
Lets you place wires, like grand design, but you won't run out of wires
Lets you place liquid/remove liquid, unlimited buckets and sponge
Improved Target Dummy
Summons a target dummy npc that just sits there and takes everything you can throw at it
Projectiles are summoned when hit by weapons like earth
Despawns when a boss is active to avoid using it to kill bosses with weapons like Earth
Unlimited AutoBuilding
Auto hellevator/sub or skyway/NPC prisons/skybridge/hellbridge builders/fishing pool/fishing biome/arena platforms, right click to choose material and stuff
Added Unlimited Asphalt Platforms
Added Jungle solution, and Multi Solution
Multi solution can be used as solution, or you can select 2 points in the world and convert everything inside of it to your selected biome
Travelling Merchant and Skeleton Merchant are Town NPCs
This is a Quality of life mod that adds the Mutant town NPC who sells boss summons of nearly every mod
There are several other items such as infinite ammos, craftable instant builds for common world infrastructure like skybridges, obsidian underworld bridges, hellevators, unlimited potions, increased spawn rates toggle item, and more!
NEW UPDATE - V 2.4.2
-Frost/Pumpkin Moon summons only work during the event since their loot is wave-based, meaning summoning at night doesn't give drops
-Transparent Minions is a slider
-Text prints in chat when an Abom/Deviantt enemy spawner is unlocked to better communicate it to player
-Super Dummies max at 50
There are several other items such as infinite ammos, craftable instant builds for common world infrastructure like skybridges, obsidian underworld bridges, hellevators, unlimited potions, increased spawn rates toggle item, and more!
NEW UPDATE - V 2.4.2
-Frost/Pumpkin Moon summons only work during the event since their loot is wave-based, meaning summoning at night doesn't give drops
-Transparent Minions is a slider
-Text prints in chat when an Abom/Deviantt enemy spawner is unlocked to better communicate it to player
-Super Dummies max at 50
Respark your love for Terraria by adding a MASSIVE amount of new items, npcs, enemies, bosses, weapons, tools, mounts, equipment and vanity pieces as well as a new biome and three NEW fully playable classes! Please enjoy!
- As big a thanks as I can to AdipemDragon, Barometz, BluNinja, Brutallama, Durrani19, and Exodus Starlit for their incredible sprite work!
- As big a thanks as I can to DarkLight and direwolf420 for their incredible code work!
- As big a thanks as I can to Uncle Danny and Hayaku for their incredible wiki, design, and balance work!
- A big thanks to the Terraria Community as well; This would be nothing without them!
+ 3 Classes, the Healer, Bard, and Thrower
+ 1 Biome, the Aquatic Depths
+ 11 Unique Boss Encounters
+ over 2500 Items
+ over 680 Tiles, Walls, & Furniture
+ over 160 Enemies & Critters
+ 10 Town Npcs
+ 12 Mounts
- As big a thanks as I can to AdipemDragon, Barometz, BluNinja, Brutallama, Durrani19, and Exodus Starlit for their incredible sprite work!
- As big a thanks as I can to DarkLight and direwolf420 for their incredible code work!
- As big a thanks as I can to Uncle Danny and Hayaku for their incredible wiki, design, and balance work!
- A big thanks to the Terraria Community as well; This would be nothing without them!
+ 3 Classes, the Healer, Bard, and Thrower
+ 1 Biome, the Aquatic Depths
+ 11 Unique Boss Encounters
+ over 2500 Items
+ over 680 Tiles, Walls, & Furniture
+ over 160 Enemies & Critters
+ 10 Town Npcs
+ 12 Mounts
Cheat Sheet is a tool for developers and those who just want to play around with any vanilla or mod item, recipe, or NPC. There are also tools to "paint" tiles to make building easier and faster.
Press K (or whatever hotkey you've assigned to "Toggle Cheat Sheet Hotbar") or click the button at the bottom center of your screen to view the Cheat Sheet Hotbar to access all the items. Press/Click again to hide it along with the selected item.
With the config, you can set tools to only be available to the host in multiplayer if you wish.
If you are using HEROsMod, you can selectively allow usage of tools in multiplayer. All the tools will be limited by the permissions assigned to your user.
See below for mod details, please note some buttons have a right-click feature as an addition to left-click.
Item Browser:
Click an item to grab a full stack of that item or Shift-click to move a full stack of that item immediately to your inventory. Right click to grab one, hold right click to grab quickly. The category buttons and the search field can be used to filter the list of items.
NPC Browser:
Click any NPC to spawn it in front of your character. Use categories and search filter to find the NPC you desire.
Recipe Browser:
Click on any Recipe to see details. Use categories and search filter to find the recipe you want.
Paint Tools:
Click to reveal the Paint Tools shelf.
--Eye Dropper: Use cursor to select tiles.
--Paint Tiles: Click to paint selected tiles. Click and drag to paint a tiled instance of selected tiles. Hold shift while dragging to constrain movement vertically or horizontally. Be very careful, stray clicks will override tiles and there is no undo function yet.
--Pallet Window: Store several tile selections.
--Schematics Browser: Submit builds to the schematics browser and explore other builds.
Extra Accessory Slots:
These slots appear to the left of your equipment. They will not affect you visually, but do affect stats as normal. Untested in multiplayer.
Auto-Trash Slot:
Now it's own mod, look for it on the Mod Browser.
Quick Clear Menu:
Use this menu to quickly clear either: items, projectiles or (de)buffs. Some features are untested in multiplayer.
Left click to vacuum all current items in the world to you.
Right click to permanently vacuum items to you (until you stop playing or disable).
Quick Waypoints:
Left click to browse quick waypoints, this currently includes teleport to: spawn, hell, lihzahrd altar, dungeon and a random place.
Please note: temple teleport only works if there's a Lihzahrd Altar.
NPC Butcher Menu:
You can butcher (kill) hostile NPCs as well as Town NPCs using the Butcher menu.
This is programmed to exclude Target Dummies, Banners and Cultist spawned near the dungeon.
Spawn Rate Multiplier:
Cycle through settings for manipulating a spawn rate multiplier. (Spawn limit also affected) Fun for a challenge.
See through the darkness.
Next Update: Event Manager:
Start or stop all events.
Next Update: Boss Downer:
Allows you to set various bosses as defeated in the world.
Mod Extension Cheats:
Any cheats added by other mods will appear here. See the mod thread for info on how to add your own cheat buttons.
More tools will be added over time. Your input is highly appreciated, which you can leave by the Cheat Sheet forum post.
Press K (or whatever hotkey you've assigned to "Toggle Cheat Sheet Hotbar") or click the button at the bottom center of your screen to view the Cheat Sheet Hotbar to access all the items. Press/Click again to hide it along with the selected item.
With the config, you can set tools to only be available to the host in multiplayer if you wish.
If you are using HEROsMod, you can selectively allow usage of tools in multiplayer. All the tools will be limited by the permissions assigned to your user.
See below for mod details, please note some buttons have a right-click feature as an addition to left-click.
Item Browser:
Click an item to grab a full stack of that item or Shift-click to move a full stack of that item immediately to your inventory. Right click to grab one, hold right click to grab quickly. The category buttons and the search field can be used to filter the list of items.
NPC Browser:
Click any NPC to spawn it in front of your character. Use categories and search filter to find the NPC you desire.
Recipe Browser:
Click on any Recipe to see details. Use categories and search filter to find the recipe you want.
Paint Tools:
Click to reveal the Paint Tools shelf.
--Eye Dropper: Use cursor to select tiles.
--Paint Tiles: Click to paint selected tiles. Click and drag to paint a tiled instance of selected tiles. Hold shift while dragging to constrain movement vertically or horizontally. Be very careful, stray clicks will override tiles and there is no undo function yet.
--Pallet Window: Store several tile selections.
--Schematics Browser: Submit builds to the schematics browser and explore other builds.
Extra Accessory Slots:
These slots appear to the left of your equipment. They will not affect you visually, but do affect stats as normal. Untested in multiplayer.
Auto-Trash Slot:
Now it's own mod, look for it on the Mod Browser.
Quick Clear Menu:
Use this menu to quickly clear either: items, projectiles or (de)buffs. Some features are untested in multiplayer.
Left click to vacuum all current items in the world to you.
Right click to permanently vacuum items to you (until you stop playing or disable).
Quick Waypoints:
Left click to browse quick waypoints, this currently includes teleport to: spawn, hell, lihzahrd altar, dungeon and a random place.
Please note: temple teleport only works if there's a Lihzahrd Altar.
NPC Butcher Menu:
You can butcher (kill) hostile NPCs as well as Town NPCs using the Butcher menu.
This is programmed to exclude Target Dummies, Banners and Cultist spawned near the dungeon.
Spawn Rate Multiplier:
Cycle through settings for manipulating a spawn rate multiplier. (Spawn limit also affected) Fun for a challenge.
See through the darkness.
Next Update: Event Manager:
Start or stop all events.
Next Update: Boss Downer:
Allows you to set various bosses as defeated in the world.
Mod Extension Cheats:
Any cheats added by other mods will appear here. See the mod thread for info on how to add your own cheat buttons.
More tools will be added over time. Your input is highly appreciated, which you can leave by the Cheat Sheet forum post.
The 'Sigil of Discord' Mod is an implementation of various Items, Characters, Weapons, Armor etc. from the yet unreleased book/game 'Fallen - The Sigil of Discord'
Patchnotes - 1.1006
-Changed it's recipe to add a new Ingridient, Discord Shards and a new Weapon, instead of a Muramasa. (Ingridients do need the completion of the Dungeon/Defeat of Skeletron to be crafted!)
//Lead Greatsword:
Changed Damage from 37 down to 22 due to it's early accessability.
Changed it's speed to 'Extremely Slow'
//Iron Greatsword:
Changed Damage from 24 to 18 due to it's early accessability.
changed it's speed to 'Slow'
//Thanatum Clamatis
//'The Townsguard's Lead Greadsword'
Damage: 30 (Subject to Change undoubtly)
Speed:'Slow' (Slower as the Iron Greatsword, Faster than the normal Lead Greatsword.)
Recipe: 30 Gold Bars, 30 Lead Bars, 30 Discord Shards.
Crafted at an Anvil
Textures are subjected to Change in the next patch.
//'The Townsguard's Armor-set:
3 Pieces; Head, Breastplate and Leggings.
About 49 Defense.
Uncraftable and Unobtainable - CURRENTLY.
Intended for Vanity Purposes (Even if the set stats are Incredibly High.)
//Discord Shards
Material Item for various 'Twisted' Items, Such as Thanatos or the "Townsguard's" Items.
Recipe: 1 Suspicious looking Eye, 20 Bones, 30 Silk.
Crafted at Demon Altars.
And also small minor adjustments to the Code.
The NPC coding is outdated so I'll focus the next patch on Implementing both Kazajirr and Ibalia as polished and clean as Possible.
Patchnotes - 1.1006
-Changed it's recipe to add a new Ingridient, Discord Shards and a new Weapon, instead of a Muramasa. (Ingridients do need the completion of the Dungeon/Defeat of Skeletron to be crafted!)
//Lead Greatsword:
Changed Damage from 37 down to 22 due to it's early accessability.
Changed it's speed to 'Extremely Slow'
//Iron Greatsword:
Changed Damage from 24 to 18 due to it's early accessability.
changed it's speed to 'Slow'
//Thanatum Clamatis
//'The Townsguard's Lead Greadsword'
Damage: 30 (Subject to Change undoubtly)
Speed:'Slow' (Slower as the Iron Greatsword, Faster than the normal Lead Greatsword.)
Recipe: 30 Gold Bars, 30 Lead Bars, 30 Discord Shards.
Crafted at an Anvil
Textures are subjected to Change in the next patch.
//'The Townsguard's Armor-set:
3 Pieces; Head, Breastplate and Leggings.
About 49 Defense.
Uncraftable and Unobtainable - CURRENTLY.
Intended for Vanity Purposes (Even if the set stats are Incredibly High.)
//Discord Shards
Material Item for various 'Twisted' Items, Such as Thanatos or the "Townsguard's" Items.
Recipe: 1 Suspicious looking Eye, 20 Bones, 30 Silk.
Crafted at Demon Altars.
And also small minor adjustments to the Code.
The NPC coding is outdated so I'll focus the next patch on Implementing both Kazajirr and Ibalia as polished and clean as Possible.
Allows obsolete weapons to be upgraded using Shadowspec Bars to use against Boss Rush. This is mainly for private use only with my dedicated server.
Calamity Mod is required. If you're interested, just use recipe browser. There are weapons from ChensGradiusMod that are included into the fray, but if the mod is not loaded, then the shadowspec version won't be included.
Multiplayer in Calamity has desync issues in Boss Rush when there are too many projectiles happening. This mod aims to widen weapon selection array that use less effects from obsolete weapons. They all require Shadowspec Bars to craft. Don't expect too much as the weapons don't do anything special from their obsolete counterpart. Their damage is just jacked up. That's it.
This is a work in progress always.
Calamity Mod is required. If you're interested, just use recipe browser. There are weapons from ChensGradiusMod that are included into the fray, but if the mod is not loaded, then the shadowspec version won't be included.
Multiplayer in Calamity has desync issues in Boss Rush when there are too many projectiles happening. This mod aims to widen weapon selection array that use less effects from obsolete weapons. They all require Shadowspec Bars to craft. Don't expect too much as the weapons don't do anything special from their obsolete counterpart. Their damage is just jacked up. That's it.
This is a work in progress always.
Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems!
This mod offers a solution to storage problems once and for all. It allows you to construct a central network to store all your items, that you can access from one single block. If desired, you can even set up multiple access points to use your storage from anywhere in the world. You can search your storage for items with a certain name, filter by item types, etc. The magic storage can even craft items for you!
The magic storage scales as you progress in your playthrough. It is accessible very early in the game, but with limited power. As you defeat bosses and earn more materials, you will be able to upgrade your storage to perform more functions and more easily expand the storage capacity.
Money Compactor
Blacklist/Whitelist for specific accesses
Wait for bug reports
This mod offers a solution to storage problems once and for all. It allows you to construct a central network to store all your items, that you can access from one single block. If desired, you can even set up multiple access points to use your storage from anywhere in the world. You can search your storage for items with a certain name, filter by item types, etc. The magic storage can even craft items for you!
The magic storage scales as you progress in your playthrough. It is accessible very early in the game, but with limited power. As you defeat bosses and earn more materials, you will be able to upgrade your storage to perform more functions and more easily expand the storage capacity.
Money Compactor
Blacklist/Whitelist for specific accesses
Wait for bug reports
Adds a Rod of Discord that can go in your hook slot and be bound to a key.
Discord Rod + Lunar Hook
Discord Rod + Lunar Hook
Replaces the terraria logo with random memes
Memes change every update
Join the discord (mod homepage) to submit memes
Memes change every update
Join the discord (mod homepage) to submit memes
Magma's Stuff
Mod made by Magma Mc
the mod includes random Races items and armour
-- 2021/12/23
Currently only includes One Race
Mod made by Magma Mc
the mod includes random Races items and armour
-- 2021/12/23
Currently only includes One Race
-Added Smoldering Sword
-Other Fix Smoldering Sword
-New texture for SS Beam
-Added Brass
-Added Brass Armor
-Added Life Ring
-Resprite Brass Bar (Item and tile)
-Added Drum Bar (alternative of brass)
-Added Chain Of Protection
-Accessories effect activates only, if you have need stats
-Added Smoldering Sword
-Other Fix Smoldering Sword
-New texture for SS Beam
-Added Brass
-Added Brass Armor
-Added Life Ring
-Resprite Brass Bar (Item and tile)
-Added Drum Bar (alternative of brass)
-Added Chain Of Protection
-Accessories effect activates only, if you have need stats
A WIP content mod for Terraria Adds: -3 Bosses -2 Non-boss enemies -Several Weapons (1 unobtainable) -2 New interactable blocks, a computer and an enchanting table -Enchanting mechanic, inspired my minecraft and my fevered imagination -New Prefix -1 New structure Credits: Just me for now - Toshnika
Causes the game to play a beeping sound when you reach low health.
Also plays a more panicked sound when at extremely low health.
A small notification will appear below your player when you're at dangerously low HP levels.
Time between beeps, beep volume, ui, and hp triggers are all configurable via the configuration file.
* Updated for tModloader v0.10.1
+ Added mod icon
* Alerts no longer happen when the player is dead
* Mod release
Also plays a more panicked sound when at extremely low health.
A small notification will appear below your player when you're at dangerously low HP levels.
Time between beeps, beep volume, ui, and hp triggers are all configurable via the configuration file.
* Updated for tModloader v0.10.1
+ Added mod icon
* Alerts no longer happen when the player is dead
* Mod release
Just a mod to add 3 new Bows pre Hard Mode, with automatic use function.
No OP, just a "mouse click preservation".
Made it to play with AnRPG Edited MOD (to help with huge life enemies and bosses).
<TerrariaGlyph-5> Version - 1.0.3
Fixed "Basic Autobow" recipe.
Now can use Iron or Lead.
Altered description style.
No OP, just a "mouse click preservation".
Made it to play with AnRPG Edited MOD (to help with huge life enemies and bosses).
<TerrariaGlyph-5> Version - 1.0.3
Now can use Iron or Lead.
This is Blood Blade.
This mod adds a lot of new things !
New set of armor and tools;
Luminite hammers, Axes, Chainsaws, Drills, Swords, New Armor sets;
And two accessories.
The new set of armor is named the "blood" set.
It is more powerful than the molten gear for pre-hardmode.
It is made of the crimson set and a bit of crimtane bars.
The new luminite tools aren't really new, because they were originally in the game. I reintroduced them for a bit more vanilla content for the game. All Axes and Chainsaws are 135 Axe power, all hammers are 110 Hammer power, and all drills are 230 Pickaxe power.
The luminite Swords are REALLY good ( more than 400 Melee damage ).
The Armor sets are "Advanced" Luminite vanilla sets.
The accessories are the minion Emblem and the medical shield.
The shield adds a regeneration buff that can be good even for past Moon-Lord, and 10 defense.
The minion Emblem adds 6 slots to your minion capacity.
Have a nice day, stay tuned for updates !
Changelog V 0.2 :
Added Luminite armors
Added Luminite Swords
Added luminite Chainsaw and Drills
Changelog V 0.1 :
This mod adds a lot of new things !
New set of armor and tools;
Luminite hammers, Axes, Chainsaws, Drills, Swords, New Armor sets;
And two accessories.
The new set of armor is named the "blood" set.
It is more powerful than the molten gear for pre-hardmode.
It is made of the crimson set and a bit of crimtane bars.
The new luminite tools aren't really new, because they were originally in the game. I reintroduced them for a bit more vanilla content for the game. All Axes and Chainsaws are 135 Axe power, all hammers are 110 Hammer power, and all drills are 230 Pickaxe power.
The luminite Swords are REALLY good ( more than 400 Melee damage ).
The Armor sets are "Advanced" Luminite vanilla sets.
The accessories are the minion Emblem and the medical shield.
The shield adds a regeneration buff that can be good even for past Moon-Lord, and 10 defense.
The minion Emblem adds 6 slots to your minion capacity.
Have a nice day, stay tuned for updates !
Changelog V 0.2 :
Added Luminite armors
Added Luminite Swords
Added luminite Chainsaw and Drills
Changelog V 0.1 :
A MOD that add 22 woodsigns for the 22 main NPCs houses.
It's only aesthetic, and can be craft using one of NPC selling items (except for Guide, Nurse, Angler and Tax Collector).


Angler ->
Arms Dealer ->
Clothier ->
Demolitionist ->
Dryad ->
Dye Trader ->
Goblin Tinkerer ->
Guide ->
Mechanic ->
Merchant ->
Nurse ->
Painter ->
Party Girl ->
Stylist ->
Tavernkeep ->
Witch Doctor ->
Cyborg ->
Pirate ->
Steampunker ->
Tax Collector ->
Truffle ->
Wizard ->
A MOD that add 22 woodsigns for the 22 main NPCs houses.
It's only aesthetic, and can be craft using one of NPC selling items (except for Guide, Nurse, Angler and Tax Collector).